Migrated app to a forked version of wireguard-android to enable development work on features that require changes to the core lib, like #107#104#87#52#6
Improved first launch flow by change vpn permission to only launch on first tunnel start
Changed to proper database seeding strategy
Updated README to account for GitHub packages auth requirement
Migrated from deprecated UI components and libs
Bump versions
Fixes a bug where after toggling a tunnel so many times it would eventually get stuck in the on position. This was also impacting auto-tunneling reliability.
Fixes a bug where clicking the email button on the support page would not populate the "to" email field.
Fixes a bug where you could not save a tunnel without having configured DNS.
Added a dialog to prompt user if they are deleting a tunnel.
Added battery optimization disable request when first launching auto-tunneling.
Format to kotlinlang standards.
Fix ci google play deploy.
Added basic kernel support to allow users to switch between userspace and kernel wireguard
Improved location disclosure flow to only show once once per app install
Fix airplane mode bug
Improve database migration testing
Fix auto-tunneling permission bug.
Migrated app from using ObjectBox library for db to Room as ObjectBox is not FLOSS compliant.
Migrated app to using version catalog for managing dependancies.
Added floss build flavor for F-Droid and general build flavor for all other builds. Floss build excludes google analytics and crashlytics.
Other performance improvements and refactors.