Added support for configuring auto-tunneling to only tunnel on mobile data with no location permissions necessary.
Improved UI on support screen and updated support resource links.
Changed UI on setting screen to hide trusted wifi networks configuration when not in use.
Changed verbiage on settings screen to make auto-tunneling configuration more intuitive.
Fixed UI bug where analytics expansion could show on deactivated tunnels.
Removed Details screen and moved tunnel statistics to be shown on expansion of a tunnel config row
Fixes bug where not scanning a QR code could cause app to crash when navigating back from camera view
Remove vibrations from notifications
Improve navigation of settings screen on AndroidTV
Migrated app from using ObjectBox library for db to Room as ObjectBox is not FLOSS compliant.
Migrated app to using version catalog for managing dependancies.
Added floss build flavor for F-Droid and general build flavor for all other builds. Floss build excludes google analytics and crashlytics.
Other performance improvements and refactors.