Added support for auto start on reboot for Always-On VPN kernel mode
Added support for adaptive theme icons
Fixed notification icon size, tile icon, AndroidTV icons
Clean up pipelines
Bump versions
Fixes a bug where after toggling a tunnel so many times it would eventually get stuck in the on position. This was also impacting auto-tunneling reliability.
Fixes a bug where clicking the email button on the support page would not populate the "to" email field.
Fixes a bug where you could not save a tunnel without having configured DNS.
Added a dialog to prompt user if they are deleting a tunnel.
Added battery optimization disable request when first launching auto-tunneling.
Format to kotlinlang standards.
Fix ci google play deploy.
Fixes a bug where after toggling a tunnel so many times it would eventually get stuck in the on position. This was also impacting auto-tunneling reliability.
Fixes a bug where clicking the email button on the support page would not populate the "to" email field.
Fixes a bug where you could not save a tunnel without having configured DNS.
Added a dialog to prompt user if they are deleting a tunnel.
Added battery optimization disable request when first launching auto-tunneling.
Format to kotlinlang standards.
Improved AndroidTV navigation to be less clunky and more streamlined
Added auto-tunneling pause feature to UI to allow of quick auto tunneling pauses.
App shortcuts and quick tile also override auto tunneling by engaging pause for temporary override of VPN purposes.
Fixed bug where auto start on reboot was not working on older devices and AndroidTV.
Fixed bug where location services is prefenting some flavors of Android from using auto-tunneling.
Fixed bug where location permissions were not being detected correctly on AndroidTV versions.
Fixed bug where quick tile could become out of sync.
Improved notifications to show proper state of auto-tunneling and vpn.
Removed excessive vibration from notifications.
Improved error handling.
Added basic kernel support to allow users to switch between userspace and kernel wireguard
Improved location disclosure flow to only show once once per app install
Fix airplane mode bug
Improve database migration testing
Fix auto-tunneling permission bug.
Added support for configuring auto-tunneling to only tunnel on mobile data with no location permissions necessary.
Improved UI on support screen and updated support resource links.
Changed UI on setting screen to hide trusted wifi networks configuration when not in use.
Changed verbiage on settings screen to make auto-tunneling configuration more intuitive.
Fixed UI bug where analytics expansion could show on deactivated tunnels.
Removed Details screen and moved tunnel statistics to be shown on expansion of a tunnel config row
Fixes bug where not scanning a QR code could cause app to crash when navigating back from camera view
Remove vibrations from notifications
Improve navigation of settings screen on AndroidTV
Fixes bug where commas in SSID names were splitting into multiple SSIDs due to database type converters.
Fixes bug where F-Droid pipeline was failing to build due to lack of proguard rule. Closes#47
Fixes bug where crashes could happen if config QR code or file has improperly configured data.
Bump versions.
Fixes a bug where config changes were saving on the wrong thread, causing a failure to save changes.
Fixes a bug where the quick tile could cause a crash by initializing the tile state before it was ready.