Fixes regression where tunnel is stuck in on state after x amount of toggles. Closes#163
Adds obfuscation of potentially sensitive data from logs.
Adds hiding of FAB on scroll to allow users to toggle tunnels when they have many tunnel configs.
Improved service manager stop service command to improve reliability
Added assets required by Google Play for AndroidTV to fix Google Play release
Added apk fingerprint hash to release to allow verification of apk signature via apksigner
Improve tile sync when tiles are first added
Bump versions
Fixes bug where control tile tunnel did not match with tunnel being controlled Closes#132
Fixes tunnel config edit screen error message #131
Revert to official lib to fix slow speeds issue Closes#137
Adds local app lock feature Closes#88
Adds restart vpn on ping fail with 1 minute interval and 60 minute cooldown Closes#6
Adds ability to easily make a copy of a tunnel.
Fixes bug on AndroidTV where tunnels were not being deleted properly.
Fixes bug where auto tunneling could be turned on before VPN permission was given.
Migrated app to a forked version of wireguard-android to enable development work on features that require changes to the core lib, like #107#104#87#52#6
Improved first launch flow by change vpn permission to only launch on first tunnel start
Changed to proper database seeding strategy
Updated README to account for GitHub packages auth requirement
Migrated from deprecated UI components and libs
Bump versions
Added support for auto start on reboot for Always-On VPN kernel mode
Added support for adaptive theme icons
Fixed notification icon size, tile icon, AndroidTV icons
Clean up pipelines
Bump versions