add custom ping settings per tunnel
fix pin lock screen on light mode fix
add allowance for auto tunnel changes while active
add trusted ssid wildcard support
fix tunnel notification not disappearing after backgrounded start
fix restart on reboot if auto tunnel is enabled
allow for auto tunnling for restart on ping fail while using always on vpn
increase auto tunnel delay to 3 seconds
optimize stats job by killing it when app is backgrounded
fix tunnel launch from background
add restart of services and tunnels after update
- Attempts to fix tunnel and auto-tunnel reliability by removing the tunnel foreground service and circumventing the limitation of starting the vpn service from by background by using a broadcast receiver.
- Removes tunnel foreground notification.
- Improves the reliability auto-tunnel start on reboot by adding an additional notification launch calls.
- Fixes bug where pin feature could be turned on without the pin being set.
- Improves quick tile reliability and sync.
- Improves reliability of app shortcuts.
- Improves kernel mode
- Improves permissions flow
- Adds support for dynamic app colors Android 12+
- Add support for light/dark system modes
Re-enabled pin lock after disablement from crashes.
Fixed crashing issues.
Fixed bug where pin lock will no longer initialize if never not enabled/in use.
Improved tunnel control tile performance.
Fix bad address crash when user enters bad addresses into allowedIps.
Disabled auto rotate
Add restart on boot toggle to make restart of services feature more obvious and configurable.
Fixes a bug where android backups can cause app crashes due to pin lock feature keystore.
Fixes a bug where auto tunneling to SSID tunnel was not working correctly.
Fixes a mobile data tunneling bug which was causing mobile data tunneling to not perform correctly.
Additional strictmode improvements.
Fixes a bug where mobile data tunneling was not working properly in certain scenarios.
Fixes an issue where the new floating action button was not working correctly on AndroidTV.
Improved local logging.
Additional refactors and optimizations.